Program, Project & Issues Management

Strong planning and program management underpin your profitability.

Campfire is organized.

Effective program management is essential to handle program changes, understand cost of programs, hit target dates and achieve maximum profitability. This is especially true in challenging economic times. Campfire provides several tools for management of programs and related information from target through production. These tools provide rich functionality for management of projects, issues, documents and contracts. They are tightly coupled with other Campfire modules, which means significant advantages over using other standalone vendor tools designed just for program management.

Support multiple approaches for managing programs


Use a Phases-Tasks-Issues approach traditionally used in the automotive industry to manage large programs with stage-gates linked to documents and issues.

Business Process & Forms

Use a Business Process and Forms-based approach to manage smaller programs as well as specific processes such as quoting, engineering changes, and supplier quote management.

Capabilities we provide include:


Ready to take control of your profitability?